Lieu:- thank you for your musings.
The Rebel. All musings are appreciated, simply posting our musings on the Internet, means we are no longer slaves to the Watchtower....
The Rebel.
naturally leads to the question of god.
why does man need god?
why does man create god?
Lieu:- thank you for your musings.
The Rebel. All musings are appreciated, simply posting our musings on the Internet, means we are no longer slaves to the Watchtower....
The Rebel.
Why the negativity, It's not as though Donald is wanted for high treason, and he did host Americas " The apprentice" , and none of the contestants on that show were sneaky, unprincipled, individuals you would never want to employ....So if Donald Trump does get elected I would like to remind everybody he will have a very enterprising team of " miss-fits" behind him....
The Rebel.
250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
Cofty, you started your "O.P " 250 million years ago a plane of motion basalt gashed up from the earths core"
And 250 million years later you present that as a fact?
Please don't think I am bursting out laughing at scientists that claim to pin-point what happened 250 million years ago, but could they be taking liberties with 50 million years here or there? Personally I think knowledge like good wine gets better with age, and maybe in a few decades those scientists may say we were maybe 50 million years out?
This is not a funeral to science and in my mind the absurdity God created the earth. Also I do not believe in Adam and Eve, but some of this elevated intellectual thinking from scientists, in my opinion is pure ego. I would be very " drunk" to accept what a scientist presents as fact what happened " 250 million years ago" with out asking how is this pin-pointed?
So with respect, how does "COFTY" personally clarify his O.P " 250 million years ago a plane of motion gashed up from the earths core? Was it by trusting the knowledge of esteemed scientists you respect?
If so please name those scientists, and why I should respect those scientists opinions?
The Rebel.
naturally leads to the question of god.
why does man need god?
why does man create god?
Thank you for your reply Lieu.
You say " being a slave to Christ is no big deal, He doesn't have a bunch of stupid rules" Well personally I think being a slave too anybody is a big deal. But I think the important point you are making, is that,with Christ you have a purpose in life? see a purpose in creation? That copulation, free-will, fate - are all part of a master plan?
If the above assumption is true, then you must believe in other worlds? whilst I am inclined to believe there is only one world with life on, ours, the earth? But it does raise the question, if only atoms and motion exist, can atoms and motion fall in love?
The Rebel.
naturally leads to the question of god.
why does man need god?
why does man create god?
Does anyone really believe that death is only preparation for a new existence?
Does good and evil really exist?
Is the soul just vibrations of matter?
If there is no soul, and life is just a short episode in an eternity of death, then why shouldn't one enjoy oneself without restraint?
If there is no soul, and no God, is not free-will then meaningless?
Oh you could go crazy with such questions, it's spring and my mind should be on girls, football and more important things.
The Rebel.
it's interesting to me anyway to see what the bible says the timeline of mankind is in relation to reality.
abraham was born roughly 2000 bce .
let's think about this for a moment.
Good post Crazyguy.
Many times in the past I had wished the impossible to happen, and Armageddon was just around the corner. We were in the last moment, giving a final witness, bible studies had to make a commitment or on to a more genuine study.....and while all this was going on the sisters in the congregation were being ridiculed and treated as second class citizens.
Well now I am waiting to end up in Gehenna, whilst enjoying my life :-)
The Rebel.
naturally leads to the question of god.
why does man need god?
why does man create god?
naturally leads to the question of God.
Why does man need God? Why does man create God?
I think I belived in God, because I was taught from a young age to believe in him. Now if I want to prove his non-existence I can ridicule the biblical tales, as " scientifically explicable" , and personally I have concluded it is right not to believe in an invisible God. But why was I drawn to Christ? Well he seemed a good, forgiving person, patient, peaceful, gentle, in a world of greedy, cynical, nauseating materialists.
However in my neighborhood, in my immediate surroundings I have found a lot of Christ like people, those who seem good, forgiving people, patient, gentle people, and these people are not greedy, cynical, nauseating materialists, even if they do drive nice cars and take summer holidays.
I believe people are not to be hated or despised? Or at least I have known personally very few people I have hated or despised. On the contrary I find most people in company have virtues, .This is the world I have discovered outside the Watchtower.
Anyway I am sure we all have different views, on the subject, different abstract notions of right and wrong, but my question is what do you think man/ woman actually is?
The Rebel.
250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
Anyone who seeks resolution as to BBC programme giving out factually incorrect information and reporting it as " fact" can not complain to ofcam, as to whether the BBCs content is factually accurate or not.
Yes- you can complain to Ofcom about all issues except impartiality, inaccuracy and some commercial issues. These remain the responsibility of the BBC governors under the communication act 2003.
In my opinion, many BBC science programmers that I have seen give too much attention to minority opinion in debates rather than sticking to scientific facts. If I was a serious scientist I would be baffled why I am debating what is a scientific fact, like the earth is round, with somebody who thinks the earth is flat. Don't get on the the subject of how the BBC addresses the climate issue, but personally I found the debates very unscientific, and one sided to there agenda. But I wont refute your comment they may also be responsible for some of the best natural history and science documentaries in the history of broadcasting. But as for there accuracy, this is the most important. The above is why I gave up watching BBC science debates. But just my opinion.
The Rebel.
let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial an embarrassing situation instantly.
for example oscar wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-.
" i dislike arguments of any kind.
Ok this thread isn't getting any laughs, but here is my last attempt.
The Rebel.." I was reading the bible yesterday, good stuff, beautifully written, factually true, three wise men saw a star from the east, ....and we can trace it all back to Adam" ( yes that sad joke was original)
The Rebel.
250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
Cofty the BBC is a comfort blanket for people who don't take the subject seriously enough to research deeper. That is my opinion, and in cases I have researched on the BBC, they are not a decent reference for fact, only a thank you for as you say basic knowledge,
That is the problem with the BBC and it's educational resources. If people are genuinely interested in what the BBC say, they need apply " independent thinking" similar to the hunger most JWs are not willing to investigate, to find a more informed knowledge.
Ok I call it lavortory paper or I may call it toilet paper, but if we limit our " facts" to what the BBC say, we have learnt nothing. Having had our thinking controlled by the Jehovers Witness organisation we should know better.
The Rebel.